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Sponsor an Orphan

Start Sponsoring an Orphan Today in Haiti!
Your support provides:
Daily Nutritious Meals
Security in a safe house with adult supervision
Health and hygiene supplies
School Supplies
Educational assistance

Your tax-deductible contribution connects an orphan living in poverty with a loving Child Sponsorship Program.


Sponsor a Child Today in Haiti!
Your support provides:
3 Daily Nutritious Meals
School Supplies
Educational Assistance

Your tax-deductible contribution connects an orphan living in poverty with a loving Child Sponsorship Program.

Sponsor a School

Sponsoring a School helps 70 Children with:
Daily Nutritious Meals
School Supplies
Educational Assistance
School rent and bills such gas, energy and water expenses
Teachers and staff Salaries

Your tax-deductible contribution connects a Child living in poverty with a loving Child Sponsorship Program.

Ukraine Emergency Fund

Ukrainian people, children, moms and elderly ones desperately need humanitarian assistance.

Love and Charity in Action was called to help refugees and volunteers in Medyka, Romania and Moldova with nonperishable foods, medical supplies and small vehicles. Many Women and children are still trapped in Ukraine! Buses are being shot at and humanitarian routes destroyed. We are supporting Ukrainians via rescue missions and supplies!
We have partnered with volunteers on the ground that work nonstop to help moms, children, elderly and wounded people arriving from Ukraine.
We also want to help refugees be placed with foster families and homes until they get on their own feet.
THEY NEED YOUR HELP!!! HELP US SENDING HUMANITARIAN RELIEF! Children are still living in bunkers or walking long distances in negative temperatures to get to the border!

Become a Volunteer

“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”

We need all the help we can get!
Please email us here
with information about your skills and hours available.